Monday, July 15, 2024

Da Vinci and his Math Consultants: MILAN

Sforza Castle, Milan, Italy
Leonardo da Vinci worked for various patrons in various cities over the course of his life. One of these patrons was Ludovico Sforza, and one of these cities was Milan, where Sforza ruled as duke. The pictures above and below are of Sforza Castle.
Sforza Castle, Milan, Italy

Leonardo (1452-1519) first worked in Milan from 1482 to 1499 and then again from 1508 to 1513. And though his patron was Ludovico Sforza, he was free to take commissions from others while there. One of these was the painting The Virgin of the Rocks (the one that is now in the Louvre). 

Madonna of the Rocks, Leonardo da Vinci (Louvre)

Another commission was that of The Last Supper, which he painted for the monastery of Santa Maria della Grazie.
Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper, Santa Maria della Grazie, Milan

Santa Maria della Grazie, Milan, Italy

Santa Maria della Grazie, Milan, Italy
Before moving on to Leonardo's mathematical consultants, I want to share one more of his works that is in Milan - one I had not heard of before traveling here. This one is found inside the Sforza Castle. It's in a room, or I should say, "IS the room" of Sala della Asse.
Salla della Asse, Castello Sforzezco, Milan, Italy
It's hard to make out, but this fresco on the walls and ceiling are of intertwining plants and trees and is intended to make the room seem to be an outdoor setting rather than an interior room. The intent was for it to look like a grove of mulberry trees. It doesn't help that my pictures were taken over and around barriers blocking the opening to the room which is undergoing renovations. The painting dates to about 1498.
Salla della Asse, Castello Sforzezco, Milan, Italy

Salla della Asse, Castello Sforzezco, Milan, Italy
While in Milan, Leonardo met mathematician Luca Pacioli. Pacioli had been invited to work in Milan by Duke Ludovico Sforza in 1497, but Leonard already know of Pacioli and had purchased his book Summa arithmetica in 1495 - one of the most expensive books in Leonardo's library. Pacioli became a geometry tutor and collaborator to Leonardo. The collaboration was extensive, and though they were forced to leave Milan in 1499 due to war with France, their paths did not separate until 1506.
Portrait of Luca Pacioli (attributed to Jacopo de' Barbara - source: Wikipedia - Public Domain)
Pacioli was born in Sansepolcro in the Republic of Florence in about 1447 (making him 5 years Leonardo's senior). As well as being a mathematician, he was also a Franciscan friar and is considered the father of accounting and bookkeeping. In the mid-1460s, Pacioli lived in Venice where he worked as a mathematics tutor. It was during this time that he wrote his first book, a book of arithmetic for the boys he was tutoring. About 10 years later, he moved to Perugia. He continued to work as a private tutor there until become the first chair of mathematics at the university there. One of Pacioli's books, Divina proportione (Divine proportion) was completed during his time in Milan (1498), and it was illustrated by Leonardo da Vinci. I don't know of any other mathematicians who can claim the honor of having one of their books illustrated by da Vinci!

Illustrations by Leonardo da Vinci, from Luca Pacioli's Divina proportione, 1509 edition (Public Domain - Wikipedia)

First printed illustration of a rhombicuboctahedron, Leonardo da Vinci, published in Divinina proportione (Public Domain - Wikipedia)
Another of Leonardo's mathematical consultants was Fazio Cardano, father of the more famous Girolamo Cardano. Fazio and Leonardo met early in Leonardo's time in Milan, and Fazio may have been Leonardo's first tutor in the sciences. We know that in 1490 Leonardo traveled from Milan to nearby Pavia where Fazio was professor of mathematics.
University of Pavia

Towers just outside the historic University of Pavia buildings
This trip resulted in Leonardo's famous Vitruvian Man, which he completed later back in Milan.
Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci (Public Domain - retrieved from Wikipedia)
One topic of conversation between Leonardo and Fazio was that of optics and perspective. Fazio had edited the first printed edition of a book the topic of optics, Perspectivo communis by John Peckham (1230-1292), which was the first printed book that included diagrams (beating out even Euclid's Elements for that distinction). Leonardo mentions Fazio Cardano in his notebooks many times, especially in the form of reminders to himself to ask for one or another book on proportions. 
Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper, Santa Maria della Grazie, Milan
Circling back around to Leonardo's Last Supper, we see his use of perspective as the room in which the supper is being held recedes into the distance. The painting is on the wall of the refectory where the monks of the day would have eaten. The perspective of the painting would make it look as if the monks were joining the disciples in the Last Supper.
Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper, Santa Maria della Grazie, Milan
Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper, Santa Maria della Grazie, Milan
Young Girolamo Cardano, who would grow up to be one of the most prominent mathematicians of the 16th century, was used by his father Fazio as a bit of pack mule - having him carry his bags as Fazio went about his business. This included visits to Leonardo. As a teenager, Girolamo Cardano met Leonardo da Vinci and saw the Last Supper. 
Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper, Santa Maria della Grazie, Milan
In one of my readings on Girolamo Cardano (and sadly, I can't remember which one) he comments that when he visited the Last Supper somewhat later in life that Leonardo's masterpiece was already disintegrating mere decades after he painted it. It is on Girolamo Cardano that my travels in northern Italy are focused, but it's pretty cool that I get to "meet" other folks along the way - other folks such as Pacioli, Fazio, and, not least, Leonardo da Vinci.

Oh, and before concluding, I should mention that a significant portion of Leonardo da Vinci's notes - the Codex Atlanticus - reside in Milan's Biblioteca Ambrosiana. Here you can find a room dedicated to this codex and with pages from it on display.
Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan
Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan

Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan

Detail of da Vinci notes from Codex Atlanticus, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan

Detail of da Vinci notes from Codex Atlanticus, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan

Detail of da Vinci notes from Codex Atlanticus, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan

Detail of da Vinci notes from Codex Atlanticus, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan

Detail of da Vinci notes from Codex Atlanticus, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan

Detail of da Vinci notes from Codex Atlanticus, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan

Detail of da Vinci notes from Codex Atlanticus, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan
Just before getting to the room containin the codex, there is a room containing paintings by da Vinci and early copies of da Vinci works. Below are a couple of examples.
Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan

Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan

Monday, June 10, 2024

Galileo: PADUA

Part of Galileo - His Fifth Lumbar Vertebra

While walking in the footsteps of mathematicians in northern Italy, I couldn't help but also come across religious relics housed in churches and cathedrals - the tongue of St. Anthony in Padua, the skeleton of St. Ambrose flanked by skeletons of two other saints in a glass coffin in Milan, various bones of Beothius the Martyr in Pavia, the ossuary of St. Augustine also in Pavia. But in Padua I learned that even in the sciences we have our relics. The image above and the two below are of a vertebra of Galileo Galilei. From what I understand, one of Galileo's teeth and three of his fingers are on display elsewhere.

Display of Galileo's Fifth Lumbar Vertebra, University of Padova

Display of Galileo's Fifth Lumbar Vertebra, University of Padova

This display wasn't actually pointed out on our tour, but as we were all looking at the podium that Galileo had taught from, I turned around briefly and noticed that part of Galileo himself was right there outside his classroom as well. I found a translation online of the Latin incription above:

"I am the fifth lumbar vertebra and I permitted the flexion of the back of Galileo Galilei, who taught the new philosophy at this great University."
Galileo's Teaching Lectern, Pallazo Bo, University of Padua
In the days before projection units and microphones and speakers and screens, such a lectern was a way in which a professor could best be heard and seen. My understanding is that it would have been covered by decorative fabrics rather than having been merely bare wood at the time.
Galileo's Teaching Lectern, Pallazo Bo, University of Padua
Initially this classroom belonged to the law faculty of Padua University, but because Galielo had such a large following, the university extended the extraordinary privilege of making this classroom, which was the largest and is known as Aula Maga (The Great Hall), available for his classes. 
Aula Magna, Palazzo Bo, University of Padua

Ceiling, Aula Magna, Palazzo Bo, University of Padua

Detail of Back Wall, Aula Magna, Palazzo Bo, University of Padua

1892 Plaque Commemorating 300 Years Since Galileo Began Teaching Here
Galileo was the chair of mathematics and also taught astronomy at the University of Padua from 1592 to 1610, and he later wrote of these years as the happiest of his life.
Looking Toward the Door of the Aula Magna across the Plazzo Bo Quandrangle

Door of the Aula Magna

Detail in Palazzo Bo

Door of the Aula Magna

Door of the Aula Magna
During Galileo's time here (1595), the famous anatomy theatre - the first permanent anatomical theatre in the world - was constructed just across the quad. Galileo was a mathematician and astronomer, not a physician, but since the room is so close, I thought it would make for an interesting inclusion here. Given the timing and the proximity, I imagine Galileo saw the inside of this room, though I cannot positively state that as a certainty.
View Across Palazzo Bo from Galileo's Classroom Door

Modeo of Padua's Anatomical Theatre

Looking Up from the Bottom of Padua's Anatomical Theatre

On a narrow street a 10-minute's walk away from Palazzo Bo is Galileo's house, Casa di Galileo Galilei. It is well-marked and is on a street that is now named for him: Via Galileo Galilei.

House of Galileo Galilei, Padua, Italy

House of Galileo Galilei, Padua, Italy

House of Galileo Galilei, Padua, Italy

House of Galileo Galilei, Padua, Italy
On my way back to my hotel from Galileo's house, I walked through the city gate that was part of my route every day, but on this day, I noticed some signage that I hadn't notice before - signage relating to Galileo - a nice discovery for me that rounded out the day very well.
Porta di Ponte Molino

Google Translate tells me that this plaque says "From this tower Galileo reveals many ways of the heavens," so I take it that Galileo used this tower for astronomical observations
Porta di Ponte Molino