Monday, June 10, 2024

Galileo: PADUA

Part of Galileo - His Fifth Lumbar Vertebra

While walking in the footsteps of mathematicians in northern Italy, I couldn't help but also come across religious relics housed in churches and cathedrals - the tongue of St. Anthony in Padua, the skeleton of St. Ambrose flanked by skeletons of two other saints in a glass coffin in Milan, various bones of Beothius the Martyr in Pavia, the ossuary of St. Augustine also in Pavia. But in Padua I learned that even in the sciences we have our relics. The image above and the two below are of a vertebra of Galileo Galilei. From what I understand, one of Galileo's teeth and three of his fingers are on display elsewhere.

Display of Galileo's Fifth Lumbar Vertebra, University of Padova

Display of Galileo's Fifth Lumbar Vertebra, University of Padova

This display wasn't actually pointed out on our tour, but as we were all looking at the podium that Galileo had taught from, I turned around briefly and noticed that part of Galileo himself was right there outside his classroom as well. I found a translation online of the Latin incription above:

"I am the fifth lumbar vertebra and I permitted the flexion of the back of Galileo Galilei, who taught the new philosophy at this great University."
Galileo's Teaching Lectern, Pallazo Bo, University of Padua
In the days before projection units and microphones and speakers and screens, such a lectern was a way in which a professor could best be heard and seen. My understanding is that it would have been covered by decorative fabrics rather than having been merely bare wood at the time.
Galileo's Teaching Lectern, Pallazo Bo, University of Padua
Initially this classroom belonged to the law faculty of Padua University, but because Galielo had such a large following, the university extended the extraordinary privilege of making this classroom, which was the largest and is known as Aula Maga (The Great Hall), available for his classes. 
Aula Magna, Palazzo Bo, University of Padua

Ceiling, Aula Magna, Palazzo Bo, University of Padua

Detail of Back Wall, Aula Magna, Palazzo Bo, University of Padua

1892 Plaque Commemorating 300 Years Since Galileo Began Teaching Here
Galileo was the chair of mathematics and also taught astronomy at the University of Padua from 1592 to 1610, and he later wrote of these years as the happiest of his life.
Looking Toward the Door of the Aula Magna across the Plazzo Bo Quandrangle

Door of the Aula Magna

Detail in Palazzo Bo

Door of the Aula Magna

Door of the Aula Magna
During Galileo's time here (1595), the famous anatomy theatre - the first permanent anatomical theatre in the world - was constructed just across the quad. Galileo was a mathematician and astronomer, not a physician, but since the room is so close, I thought it would make for an interesting inclusion here. Given the timing and the proximity, I imagine Galileo saw the inside of this room, though I cannot positively state that as a certainty.
View Across Palazzo Bo from Galileo's Classroom Door

Modeo of Padua's Anatomical Theatre

Looking Up from the Bottom of Padua's Anatomical Theatre

On a narrow street a 10-minute's walk away from Palazzo Bo is Galileo's house, Casa di Galileo Galilei. It is well-marked and is on a street that is now named for him: Via Galileo Galilei.

House of Galileo Galilei, Padua, Italy

House of Galileo Galilei, Padua, Italy

House of Galileo Galilei, Padua, Italy

House of Galileo Galilei, Padua, Italy
On my way back to my hotel from Galileo's house, I walked through the city gate that was part of my route every day, but on this day, I noticed some signage that I hadn't notice before - signage relating to Galileo - a nice discovery for me that rounded out the day very well.
Porta di Ponte Molino

Google Translate tells me that this plaque says "From this tower Galileo reveals many ways of the heavens," so I take it that Galileo used this tower for astronomical observations
Porta di Ponte Molino

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